
The livecam Etna is this_way !

Welcome on the website of the ENS multidisciplinary expedition in Sicily, ENS@Etna!

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Ens@Etna is an annual scientific expedition in Sicily, organised by students and former students from departments of Geosciences, History, Ancient Sciences and Humanities of Ecole Normale Supérieure, in collaboration with various researchers. The mission is an opportunity to give students practical training on volcanology, geophysics and archeology, and especially enhance the link between science and humanities through the research of geological events within archeological ruins. In 2021, for the first time, the group will add ecology to the programme, by observing endemic flora on the flanks of the volcano.

ENS@Etna therefore is a complete study of a population and its natural living habitat, with assets, constraints and its human and geological history.

Last news !

In 2023, the students recreate the projet with the Volc’ENS project, an expedition in the Naples region near to the Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei to study the risks.