Inventaire des paroxysmes de l’Etna (1979 – 2018)

This inventory contains the major explosive events at the summit craters of Etna since 1979. The effusive flank eruptions are not listed here.


Start  End S02 alt (km) Mass (kt)  Sensors  Notes
04/08/79   8.4 10 Nimbus-7 TOMS Smithsonian bulletin
02/09/80   9 61 Nimbus-7 TOMS  
06/09/80   13.4 9.1 Nimbus-7 TOMS  
30/11/86   8.4 10 Nimbus-7 TOMS  
19/09/89   8.4 37 Nimbus-7 TOMS  
15/01/90   8.4 10 Nimbus-7 TOMS  
25/07/01   8.4 10 Earth Probe TOMS  
27/10/02   13.4 80 Earth Probe TOMS  
16/11/06   4 1.5 aura OMI  
21/11/06   5 7.8 aura OMI  
29/03/07   8.4 5 aura OMI  
11/04/07   5 5.5 aura OMI  
07/05/07   8.4 2.3 aura OMI  
29/07/07   6 4 aura OMI  
04/09/07   5 12 aura OMI Lava fountain after 4pm (BGVN 32:09)
24/11/07   7 10 aura OMI Started 22/11 end afternoon and increased the 23 (BGVN 3301)
10/05/08   6 20 aura OMI 2-6pm (BGVN 3305)
13/05/08   5 26.5 aura OMI  
12/01/11 13/01/11 7 7.4 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Strong growh of NSEC, small landslides within crater depression. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 1.5 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 100m3/s
18/02/11   8 8 aura OMI  Cloudy
10/04/11   5 5 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Main fountain duration 8 hours. Volume 0.9 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 30 m3/s
11/05/11 12/5/2011 6 6 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Main fountain duration 9 hours. Volume 1.5 million of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 40 m3/s
09/07/11   7 2.7 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Dense eruptive plume, ash and lapilli fall. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 1.5 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 100 m3/s
18/07/11 19/07/11 5 5 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 2 million of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 140 m3/s
24/07/11 25/07/11 7 2.9 aura OMI SEVIRI Cloudy. Mainf fountain duration 10 hours. Volume 1 million of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysms 25 m3/s
30/07/11 31/07/11 6 5 aura OMI SEVIRI Partly couldy. Ash plume blown E by the wind. Main fountain duration 10 hours. Volume 2.2 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysms 60 m3/s
05/08/11 06/08/11 11 6.4 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 1.6 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 110 m3/s
12/08/11   4 3.3 aura OMI SEVIRI Clear sky. Main fountain duration 3 hours. Volume 3 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 280 m3/s
20/08/11   9 3.6 aura OMI SEVIRI  Slightly cloudy. Main fountain duration 5 hours. Volume 1.4 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 80 m3/s
29/08/11   10 3.2 aura OMI SEVIRI Slightly cloudy. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 1.7 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 120 m3/s
08/09/11   10 9 aura OMI SEVIRI Slightly cloudy.  Main fountain duration 3 hours. Volume 1.2 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 110 m3/s
19/09/11   8 1.3 aura OMI Poor weather conditions, ash clound bent by strong wind to the NE
28/09/11 29/09/11 11 3.1 aura OMI SEVIRI Cloudy. Main fountain duration 3 hours. Volume 0.4 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 40 m3/s
08/10/11   13.4 5 aura OMI SEVIRI Cloudy. Main fountain duration 7 hours. Volume 0.8 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 30 m3/s
23/10/11 24/10/11 6 2.3 aura OMI SEVIRI Almost clear sky. Main fountain duration 2 hours. Volume 1.1 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 150 m3/s
15/11/11   11 5 aura OMI SEVIRI Slightly cloudy. Culminating phase duration 1 hour, ash and laiplli to the SE. Main fountain duration 4 hours. Volume 1.8 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 120 m3/s. Starts at 06:00 UT with small lava flow from fissure on the SE flank of the SEC. Fountain at 11:00 UT, culminates between 11:45 and 12:20 UT
05/01/12   9 7 aura OMI SEVIRI Slightly cloudy.  Main fountain duration 5 hours. Volume 1.5 millions of cubic metres. Mean output rate during paroxysm 80 m3/s
09/02/12   9 1 aura OMI Less violent than the previous but lasted more than five hours
04/03/12   8 5 aura OMI  
18/03/12         Tall lava fountain, several km high, ash and lapilli on the E sector. At 02:30 UT strombolian activity at SEC. Very strong peak activity between 08:00 and 09:30 UT. Lack od volume estimation due to winter conditions and snow.
01/04/12   11 7.4 aura OMI  
12/04/12   6 2.7 aura OMI  
24/04/12   6 9.1 aura OMI  
20/01/13 23/01/13       Two episondes of strombolian activity ar NSEC
19/02/13 21/02/13       Starts morning of the 19th, then 3 more paroxysms during the next 54 hours
28/02/13   4 5 aura OMI  
05/03/13 06/03/13        
16/03/13         One of the most intense of the current series of paroxysms, preceeded by a long prelude of strombolian activity that started in the afternoon of 15 march
12/04/13         Lava fountain, high column, vloud directed to the SE, preceeded by ash and lapilli
20/04/13         very powerful, lava fountain 1km above the crater, cloud towards ESE, heavy ash fall
27/04/13   4 7 aura OMI  
26/10/13   8 10 aura OMI Gas plume laden with pyroclastic material rose several km above the summit adn drifter SW, closure of the airport. Voldorad 2B radial velocity and power. Echoes in the range 3135-3585 m from the radar with radial velocities in the range of 10-20 m/s
16/11/13 17/11/13 4 10 aura OMI Voldorad 2B radial velocity and power.
23/11/13   8 5 aura OMI Very powerful, strombolian evolves to lava fountain, column several km high, dispersion towards SE. Voldorad2B radial velocity and power.
02/12/13   4 10 aura OMI Tall lava fountain, difter towards NNW (Bronte). Voldorad2B radial velocity and power.
14/12/13 16/12/13 4 5 aura OMI Ash emission caused closure of airport on 15/12. Voldorad2B radial velocity and power.
29/12/13 31/12/13 4 10 aura OMI  Voldorad 2B radial velocity and power
02/01/14 03/01/14       Dense ash emissions
21/01/14         Strombolian activity at NSEC
07/10/14 16/10/14       Lava fountains at NSEC
03/12/15   13 25 aura OMI Major lava fountain with ash dispersion 70km away in the NE direction
04/12/15 05/12/15       Three more lava fountains at Voragine. Voldorad 2B signal from 14:30 to 16:20 UT on 5/12/15. Voldorad 2B radial velocity (m/s) and powed (dB) at 21:00 UT on 4/12/15
27/04/17         Early hours : intensification of the strombolian activity
15/05/17 18/05/17        Eleven episodes of strombolian activituy at SEC3



  • Ganci et al., A year of lava fountaining at Etna: Volumes from SEVERI, GRL, 39, L06305, 2012
  • Bonaccorso et al., From source to surface: dynamics of Etna’s lava fountains investigated by continuous strain, magnetic, ground and sttellite thermal data, Bull Volc, 75:690, 2013
  • Voldorad data at OPGC